Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Jane called, we are going to go to the farm to visit mom and dad on Friday. She is worried mom isn't bouncing back like expected. I talked to mom today and she sounded down. She said she doesn't feel like eating anything and she isn't sleeping well again. Will she recover from this surgery? God only knows. And I mean that. We all hope and wish for it but we don't know and we can only ask God for his grace in this matter.

I am trying to be at peace with things either way because that is what we are supposed to do right? The one thing I can't get out of my mind right now though is how much I want Abbi to have a memory of her grandma. Since Steve's parents are already gone, she only has my parents around to be grandparents. Growing up I was so lucky to have nana and poppy living beside us on the farm. I knew the true joy of having grandparents closeby.

Of course I also want my mom around for my sake, my dad's sake and everyone else in the family but now that I have Abbi. I think about her a lot.

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