Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy birthday Mom

I was at the farm today and while there dad got two calls asking for Mrs. Gloor. They must know it is close to her birthday. It was hard on dad taking these calls. You could see him tense up a bit and get more sad because he was reminded yet again that mom isn't coming home. Dad told me today that he still says goodnight and goodmorning to mom every day. He said he feels empty without her. God it is hard to see your dad so lost and sad. I love him so much and while I understand missing her and wanting her back, I wish he didn't feel as empty as he does. It isn't something I can fix which makes it more difficult. I gave him a big hug though and cried with him. What more can I do?

Lucas is almost 3 months. I can barely believe it. He has started sleeping through the night most nights. He is a great baby. Very content and happy if he gets what he wants/needs.