Thursday, April 27, 2006

only 3 days left at home! I am starting to feel a bit strange. A combination of excitement and was a great distraction because Amy and Julie came to visit.

Abbi is teething again! I hope this tooth pops through before Monday. I am sooooo tired and hope that tonight is a better night. She was up from 10:30-12:30 last night and I just didn't sleep well. Steve and I also had a big chat last night and I feel better today but things have been pretty hectic around here.

I do look forward to a bit of me time while at work. I know I will miss her tons but the evenings will be great....

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Monday, April 17, 2006

Two Weeks!?!?!?!

Wow am I feeling mixed emotions today. I return to work in two weeks and part of me is excited but part of me is sad too. I am excited to get out of the house and get involved in some other things but I am sad to not have Abbi beside me. I worry a bit about how things will be for Steve. He doesn't seem as convinced by the routine as I am. Maybe if I give him some slack and he can play with it a bit he may see why a routine is good....I just don't want little Abster to suffer. KWIM?

Easter was great. Abbi was so good (even though she had only one very short nap). We also went on an Easter Egg hunt in St. Mary's. Too cute.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

not one of my better days....

I know I have said this before but I need to stop getting so frustrated when Abbi won't nap. Today she did not want to take her morning nap and I gave up and took her out to Books for Babies. It turned out great and then I got her down for a nap when we got home. She slept for 1.5 hours (I think). Then of course she didn't want to take her 2nd nap and so I kept her up until bedtime....she had a really fussy hour or so ....not fun. I couldn't get her to stop crying, and of course I wanted to cry she is in bed and I pray that she is able to stay asleep. Her sinuses are really clogged and the little monkey is having trouble sucking her thumb.

It also rained all day so that didn't help my mood I am sure. Oh well, things will get better. I know I went through this in January when she was teething or was that February? Either way I thought it would never end and then we had a stint of really easy days....can't wait for those days to return. I hope they come back before I go back to work!!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

getting back on track

So we have had a rough week around here. I was sick last Sunday. Spent the whole day in bed and in the bathroom. Abbi then got sick in the middle of the week. She puked on herself during the night....she also got a cold and has more teeth coming in....Steve and I went away with Mat and Jen to Birch Run on Saturday. Jane watch Abbi for us..she did pretty well but I think she missed us a lot because she has been really sucky since we got her home. Then yesterday Steve spent the entire day in bed and then all night in the bathroom...crazy times at the Duncan household!

Oh well, this too will pass. Abbi is still as wonderful as ever. Even when she is full of snot and crying a lot...