Sunday, June 29, 2008

8 weeks

Lucas is 8 weeks old and for the last week I feel like I have been coming out of newborn coma. He is starting to sleep much better during the nights (days are another story) and I feel like I can enjoy my days a bit.

Having 2 is a challenge but mentally I think I am coping better this time. I already have no time for myself and am used to that so I don't have to go through that adjustment. I do have meltdowns though because some days all I seem to do is change diapers, manage attitudes, worry about sleeping and breastfeed...Some days I can slip into the Zen of motherhood. Other days I get agitated by the smallest thing. Normal? I think so...

Zen Motherhood is a concept that I have been thinking about a lot. It is my version of "go with the flow" and try not to be flapable. Not always easy when you are stubborn and hotheaded like me but it is my goal each day to slip into my Zen state.

I miss my mom a lot. Abbi just had her 3rd birthday and I so wish my mom was here to see it. She is such a cutie and my mom would have adored her. They would have enjoyed many special days together I am sure. Mom- I know you are out there and please know how much we miss you and love you.