Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Are you ever ready?

Tonight I met the woman my dad has been spending a lot of time with. Her name is Linda and it was a brief meeting but I have to wonder, are you ever ready for your dad or mother to date again? In theory, I understand why he wants to have a companion to invite to dinner, the theatre, a movie etc...but my heart still has a hard time with it. I don't like seeing my dad lonely and I know he has been and it must feel awful to eat dinner alone night after night after 40+ years of eating with your wife and family. I get it, but again I ask "are you ever prepared as a child to see this happen?"

I had a doctor's app't today with a new doctor. She did a family history and the room was filled with an overwhelming silence when she recapped my history. No living grandparents, both parents with heart attacks, one deceased parent. She probed a bit more. I told her both my parents smoked their entire lives...that made her feel better. It is hard to talk about this stuff clinically without it bringing up a lot of emotions.

We have adopted a 3.5 year old boxer named Pepper. She is a great dog but we are having some sleep issues. She has slept with us the last 3 nights. Fat dog on my bed / on me does not mean a good night sleep!

I am now 18 weeks pregnant. Freaky! I have an ultrasound in a week. We are going to find out the sex. I am excited and nervous for the ultrasound...