Wednesday, April 12, 2006

not one of my better days....

I know I have said this before but I need to stop getting so frustrated when Abbi won't nap. Today she did not want to take her morning nap and I gave up and took her out to Books for Babies. It turned out great and then I got her down for a nap when we got home. She slept for 1.5 hours (I think). Then of course she didn't want to take her 2nd nap and so I kept her up until bedtime....she had a really fussy hour or so ....not fun. I couldn't get her to stop crying, and of course I wanted to cry she is in bed and I pray that she is able to stay asleep. Her sinuses are really clogged and the little monkey is having trouble sucking her thumb.

It also rained all day so that didn't help my mood I am sure. Oh well, things will get better. I know I went through this in January when she was teething or was that February? Either way I thought it would never end and then we had a stint of really easy days....can't wait for those days to return. I hope they come back before I go back to work!!!

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