Friday, October 21, 2005


Today hasn't been a good day and it is only 11am! This motherhood stuff is hard...real hard. I love her to bits but I tried to get her down for a nap this morning for over an hour and she just wouldn't. I ended up feeding her and she fell asleep while eating....why is it so hard? You get things figured out and everything changes. Last night she screamed and would not go to bed. She didn't finally sleep until 10 something when she normally goes to bed at 7:30pm. I guess she could be going through another growth spurt or teething but man is it ever hard....i just don't like not knowing the answer. Is she sick or teething or hungry or just fussy.....It doesn't help that I didn't get to bed til 2am because Steve and I had a big talk.

Hopefully it will get better. Just needed to vent.

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