Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Year's Eve

Well I will make this quick. I have been off line for a while. Had a great Christmas and had a very good time with our family. It was sad though because Jane couldn't be with us - the boys had the flu.

Abbi was amazing. She loved entertaining and getting lots of attention. She also LOVED Jake.

Tonight is New Year's eve. It is such a funny thing. I really could care less about ringing in the new year. It is just another night as far as I am concerned but hopefully I will have a bit of fun. Adria, Dan and Christine are going to come over and play board games. Steve is working.

My mom is doing okay but I still worry about her a lot. I know that there is nothing I can do but love her, spend time with her and be there for her but it is soooo hard to let go.

Gotta run, Abbi is fussing.

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