I have been slowing down about posting because I have been getting out more. This week was actually fairly busy. Halloween was Monday, Tuesday can't remember what happened, Wednesday Abbi and I went to the library for books for babies and I had Bree over for nearly 5 hours. Friday I went to Waterloo to see Julie's new house.
Abbi started solid food this week too! It has been an adventure so far but she is doing really well. She has had rice cereal and parsnips. She is becoming more active and more vocal with each passing day. I think she will likely be rolling over within the next couple of weeks from her back to her front. She is already sitting up. She has that look in her eye like she wants to start moving. Abbi has been waking up again a few nights this week. Hopefully I can get her back on track soon.
Steve and I got to go out last night because Adria and Dan offered to watch Abbi. We had a really nice time. We went out for a beer and some apps at the Keg. Monday I am going to go out for the whole afternoon by myself. Steve and Abbi are going to spend some quality time together. Should be interesting for us both. He is also going to watch her on Wednesday night so Adria and I can go to a movie. Will be nice to get a bit of a break this week.
Mom and Dad were in town today and stopped by. Mom is doing a lot better and has been out shopping up a storm. She is really looking forward to the baptism.
Well should run. I have some reading to do.