Monday, September 07, 2009


The other night I camped outside with Abbi in the tent. It was her first time sleeping outside in a tent. It went better than I thought it would. What was interesting for me was the amount of dreams I had that night. I didn't sleep well but I found myself having constant dreams...One dream was a magical play time with my mom. I don't know how old I was in the dream but I remember actually playing and running around with my mom. (I have very few memories of physical play with my mom) She was chasing me and playing tag. At one point she caught me and I got a big hug and kiss from her. It was awesome to feel her arms around me and taste her kiss.

Wednesday is Abbi's first day of school. My mom would be excited to share this rite of passage with her. I can't believe it has been 3 years!

Sending kisses to the clouds.

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