Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Is it really December?

I can't believe that we are almost through the first week of December. I am not feeling any sort of Christmas type spirit yet. I don't want to go Christmas shopping and don't even want to hang our decorations. Maybe some of this has to do with knowing this is our first year without mom - I don't know.

Erin, from church, lost her mom on Saturday. I know there were different circumstances with her mom but I still feel bad for her. It is never easy to lose a parent, no matter what your relationship is with them. The funeral is tomorrow at 11. Jane is coming to watch Abbi for us.

There is a movie opening this weekend called Holiday and I really want to go and see it with the girls. I hope that I can convince Adria and Christine to see it with me on Saturday or Sunday.
Should run....

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