So today has been an emotional one...I think partly because it is Sunday and partly because Steve works on Sunday afternoon's. I am alone for a good part of the afternoon and evening with Abbi; leaving me time to think. Something I don't have a lot of time for right now. Tonight I kept looking at Abbi and thinking how much I loved her. I was thinking how difficult it must be to say goodbye to your children because you love them soooo much! I sometimes look into Abbi's eyes and it is as if I am my mom, looking into my eyes. It is such an uncanny experience.
I was also thinking tonight that I loved hearing all the stories about mom when she was in the hospital. Stories about how she used to get Heather to rub her back or spell letters on her back etc... because she loved to get her back rubbed. Or how she and dad set up a booth at the Kitchener Farmer's market when Greg and Jane were little and they sold donuts to make some extra money....I miss her so much! I wish I could call and just hear her voice.
This weekend I have started to see a shift again in Abbi's actions and I keep thinking how mom would so love to play with her right now. She is such a character and she is really exploring a lot right now. My mom loved this age.