Okay so a few days ago or a week ago I started noticing that Abbi's poo had changed. It was turning into more adult type poo. It smelled more, it wasn't as firm and was very very messy. I think her body has adjusted to the solids now and this is what happens. However yesterday she started to get a diaper rash. I did all the tricks of the trade today and it has gotten worse not better. Poor little monkey doesn't seem to notice but I feel so bad for her. It is red and inflamed....Makes me sad....
On a high note - she crawled today!!!! It was awesome. I was in her room with her and had her diaper off to air out her bottom. I was reading one of the baby books and next thing I knew she was beside me. Then I moved to see her do it and she crawled to me. It was great. I called Steve in so that he could see it.
Things have been going pretty well here. She has 4 teeth now, she has been pulling herself up on lots and lots of things and walking around furniture etc...I haven't really had a melt down in a while (except when we went out for dinner last week and Steve talked about the budget the entire time). I think that for the most part I have just accepted the duties of motherhood and have gotten over the 50/50 thing. I also think that I am enjoying my time with Abbi so much more now that she is mostly a joy to be around. Plus I actually do get quite a few chances to get out of the house. Can't really complain. Actually.....I am going to Peter's for the night on Friday night. I can't wait!!!! Steve is going to have his first ever overnight alone with Abbi. I think it is important for me to do this. I need practise away from her and need to know that everything will be okay.